About Us
Guards at burning fire

About NWFire Founder & Dedication to Fire Safety

Northwest Fire Investigators is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing training and oppurtunities in the Pacific Northwest. The Northwest board was started in 1966 to fill a need for more training and networking oppurtunities for investigators. The Northwest Board has a 9 board members, elected for 3 year terms, and over 150 members.

How We Help

We bring together individuals interested in fire and arson investigation to provide a uniformed force to combat the fire and arson challenges. Our nonprofit support and guide our public investigators through the stringent process of becoming fire investigator and maintaining skills and certification.

Two Persons are watching Fire
Two persons are putting out the fire

Our Commitment

Our team brings together many years of unrivaled expertise and service to deliver comprehensive solutions to our clients. We are always looking for new and creative methods to serve our customers and the industry better.

Board Members

Mike Patti


Jerry Jacobsen


Don Tomaso


Mark Crowley


Matt Heinrich

Board Member

Eric Pedersen

Board Member

Curt Blanchard

Board Member

Josh Rogers

Board Member